All Clean balmĀ  :

Step1. Spread on face with 3 or 4 scoops.

Step2. massage in a circle with fingertips.

Step3. wash your face with tepid water.

Bulgarian Rose Mist Serum :

Hold bottle three inches from face and spray on up to two times as needed.

1. Close eyes and spray on face anytime skin feels dry.

2. Pat gently for absorption.

3. Use before after makeup.

Bulgarian Rose Hydrogel Eye Patch 60ea :

1. After cleansing, remove the water and use the lotion to balance the skin's pH.

2. Use the built-in spatula to take out and paste eye patches.

3. Patches eye patches to areas where management is required.

4. After about 20 to 30 minutes to attach and peel off, the remaining essence is patted with your fingers and absorbed into your face.